Wildlife Viewing General Information

Watching Wildlife (American Forest Foundation)
Viewing animals in nature is also one of the best ways to appreciate the importance of your role as a woodland owner.

Dos and Don’ts for Wildlife Watching (American Forest Foundation)
Here are some tips for getting the most enjoyment out of your wildlife-watching outing, and to making it as safe as possible for both you and the wildlife

North Carolina’s Wildlife Refuges (Visit North Carolina)
People visit North Carolina’s wildlife refuges for the chance to experience undisturbed environments and amazing wildlife, and to hike, kayak, fish and hunt. Learn more about the state’s refuges.

Managing for Wildlife (American Forest Foundation)
Woodland animals need four things—food, water, cover and space—all of which a well-managed forest can readily provide.

Scat Matters (N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission)
Become more aware of what type of animal may be in an area by looking for signs of its presence: a trail, plants eaten, tracks, and the mother lode of indicators—scat.

Getting Started Identifying Animal Tracks (Nature Tracking)
View thousands of photos of animal tracks and use the tools on this site to learn to identify them.

ForestHER NC: Human Wildlife Interactions and Identifying Wildlife by Tracks, Marking, and Scat (webinar)
This webinar consists of two presentations: Human-Wildlife Interactions presented by Falyn Owens, NC Wildlife Resources Commission. In this part, learn how to anticipate and respond confidently to a variety of close encounters with wildlife. Becky Skiba, NC Wildlife Resources Commission will then present Wildlife Identification Skills. Here, learn to use the evidence wildlife leave behind – such as tracks, scat, skulls, and teeth – to identify what animal has been present recently.