Jackson Park Bird Walk

Jackson Park 708 Glover Street, Hendersonville, NC, United States

Offered monthly by Blue Ridge Audubon.


Stand Level Management: Desired Forest Conditions, Structure and Composition

virtual via WebEx

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Ecology Working Group (FEWG) and NCTC, working in collaboration with many FWS programs and partners, have developed a 12-part monthly lecture series to address the 50-year decline of 3 billion birds through partnerships, conservation science and forest management. The series tells a compelling story about forest bird population...


Swannanoa Valley Bird Walk

Owen Park 875 Warren Wilson Road, Swannanoa, NC, United States

Offered monthly by Blue Ridge Audubon.


Cost Share Programs: Preparing Landowners to Make Application

Learn about federal and state cost-share programs that reimburse landowners for various timber management activities. Learn how to apply for USDA, N.C. Forest Service cost share, and farm loans through USDA Farm Service Agency. Register in advance.

Assessing Storm-Damaged Pine Stands

Hurricanes and tornadoes stress, damage, or kill trees by uprooting, breaking, bending, leaning, wounding, and flooding stands. This webinar will provide landowners with assessment tools, preventative action strategies and management plans to mitigate long-term consequences and facilitate recovery. This webinar will cover such questions as: What kind of storm damage do individual pines and pine...

Wildlife Enterprises on Private Lands

Learn the basics of establishing wildlife enterprises as recreational businesses. Such businesses benefit wildlife, forestry, and natural resources by providing landowners with income to reinvest in habitat and conservation practices. More broadly, these farm level decisions affect rural communities and income. Webinar topics include types of outdoor experiences for garnering income, and assisting landowners in...

Forestry for the Birds

virtual via WebEx

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Ecology Working Group (FEWG) and NCTC, working in collaboration with many FWS programs and partners, have developed a 12-part monthly lecture series to address the 50-year decline of 3 billion birds through partnerships, conservation science and forest management. The series tells a compelling story about forest bird population...


Manipulating Mesopredator Populations to Benefit Native Prey: Exploring Controversies and Potential Solutions

Despite numerous studies evaluating mesocarnivore population reduction as a tool for managing wild prey populations, there remains mush more controversy associated with efficacy of the practice. This webinar will explore existing data to better understand this controversy. Important questions for determining when predators may limit a population will be discussed. Finally, the webinar will provided...

Bird-Friendly Forestry on Corporate Lands: Forest Certification Programs

virtual via WebEx

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Forest Ecology Working Group (FEWG) and NCTC, working in collaboration with many FWS programs and partners, have developed a 12-part monthly lecture series to address the 50-year decline of 3 billion birds through partnerships, conservation science and forest management. The series tells a compelling story about forest bird population...


Managing Bottomland Hardwoods

Bottomland Hardwood forests are critically important to conserving ecosystem biodiversity in the Southeast. They provide nature-based solutions for maintaining water quality as well as buffering us from natural disasters that increasingly threaten local communities with inland flooding. Can we successfully consider active habitat restoration and conservation while balancing the economic equation that family forest owners,...