Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Birds of North Carolina: their Distribution and Abundance)
Red-bellieds are widespread in mature and fairly mature forests and wooded areas of many types — upland hardwoods, wooded residential areas, bottomlands and swamps, and pine stands — though it favors hardwoods over pines. They are also common in cities and towns and occur in most wooded yards, often frequenting bird feeders.
Red-bellied Woodpecker (
You can find this species across most of the forests, woodlands, and wooded suburbs of the eastern United States, including oak-hickory forest, pine-hardwood forest, maple and tulip-poplar stands, and pine flatwoods. It’s a bit more common in river bottoms and wetlands, in the south of its range, and at elevations below about 2,000 feet.
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Outdoor Alabama)
The most common woodpecker in the southeast, the red-bellied woodpecker is about nine to ten inches tall with a wingspan of 13 to 17 inches. As its name indicates, the belly is a light red or pinkish color. The red belly is often hidden from view as the bird perches or feeds against a tree trunk. Males are easily identifiable by the red coloration on the top of the head and neck. Females lack the red coloration on their head. The back is prominently striped horizontally with black and white barring. A white patch at the base of the primary feathers is highly visible in flight.
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency)
This medium-sized woodpecker has red on the back of the head and neck, a black and white barred back, and a white rump. The face and underparts are pale gray, and the belly is washed with a light red (difficult to see). The male and female can be distinguished by the extent of the red hood. In males the red extends from the base of the bill to the back of the neck; in females the red starts at the top of the head and extends to the back of the neck.