Practicing Pesticide Safety (University of Florida IFAS)
Whether using conventional chemicals or biorational chemicals, understanding how to use the product safely is universal.  No product is 100% safe.  Remember they are used to control, prevent, or kill pest organisms, so applicator and environmental safety should always be top priority when using pesticides. There are basic steps to take when using any pesticide. These steps help minimize applicator exposure, negative impacts on the environment, as well as on non-target organisms.

Safe Use Practices for Pesticides (National Pesticide Information Center)
Using pesticides safely depends on many things. Some of the most important factors include selecting the appropriate product, and using that product according to the label directions. The label directions are written to minimize the risk of problems and to define the legal uses for the product.

Pesticides and Personal Safety (Perdue University Cooperative Extension Service)
Pests include plants and animals that vector disease, interfere with the production of food and fiber crops, or otherwise detract from our quality of life. Pesticides are natural or synthetic substances used by man to control pest organisms by disrupting some part of their life processes. Literally, the term pesticide means to “kill pests.”

Choosing and Using Insect Repellants (National Pesticide Information Center)
Insect repellents can help reduce your risk of being bitten by insects and therefore reduce your risk of getting a disease carried by mosquitoes or ticks. Numerous products are available to repel mosquitoes and ticks. Sometimes, it can be difficult to decide which product to use when you are planning to be outdoors. This information can be useful when deciding on insect repellents.