NC Tree Farm Program Videos

Boundary Lines

Marking Boundary Lines Part 1

Marking Boundary Lines Part 2

Marking Boundary Lines Part 3

Marking Boundary Lines Part 4


Invasive Species

Safe Use of Pesticides
Tree Farmer Rett Davis talks about product labels and how to safely use pesticides.

Controlling Invasive Trees with Herbicides
Learn steps you can take to get rid of invasive trees on your Tree Farm.

Chinese Privet: How to Control Its Spread
Learn how Chinese privet spreads and what you can do to control or eliminate it from your woods.

Bamboo is an Aggressive Invasive Plant (N.C. Tree Farm Program video)
This non-native plant spreads by rhizomes and is an aggressive invasive plant. Landowners should take steps to remove it as soon as it appears on their property.

Controlling English Ivy (North Carolina Tree Farm Program video)
Tree Farmer Rett Davis discusses how to control or eradicate English Ivy.

Bradford Pear is an Invasive Tree (North Carolina Tree Farm Program video)
Bradford pear is an invasive tree that cross pollinates with native pears to create a wild variety that out-competes native plants. Learn how to get rid of this tree in your woodlands.

Japanese Stiltgrass (North Carolina Tree Farm Program video)
Learn about one of the most common invasive plants in North Carolina’s forests.

Poison Ivy

Pond Weeds: Watermeal

How to Treat Fire Ant Mounds
Fire ants are a non-native invasive species that are harmful to humans and wildlife. Learn how to get rid of them on your Tree Farm.


Native Trees

White Oak Acorn Harvest

Tree Planting Tutorial
Learn how to properly use a dibble bar to plant tree seedlings on your Tree Farm.

How to Select the Right Tree for the Right Location
Learn about the tree characteristics you should consider when selecting a tree for a particular spot.

Hard and Soft Mast for Wildlife

Persimmon Tree

Bald Cypress

Learn about the uses of ironwood and how to identify it in your woods.

Box Elder Tree
The box elder is sometimes confused with poison ivy when it first sprouts. Learn to identify it by its distinct green stem.

Red and White Oak
Learn to identify red oak and white oak by their leaves.

Red, Silver and Southern Sugar Maples
Here’s how to identify three types of maple trees found in North Carolina by their leaves.

The Dogwood Flower
Learn about dogwood, North Carolina’s state flower.


Understory Plants

Cardinal Flower
Learn about cardinal flower – a herbaceous perennial that grows near water in wet soil, blooms in the fall and is pollinated by hummingbirds.

Rattlesnake Plantain

Resurrection Fern

Running Cedar

Yellow Crowns Beard

Wild Ginger

Ferns: Christmas, Rattlesnake and Ebony Spleenwort (North Carolina Tree Farm Program)
Tree Farmer Rett Davis discusses some of the ferns commonly found in North Carolina’s woodlands.



Streamside Management Zones

The Benefits of Prescribed Fire in North Carolina’s Woods

Safe Use of Pesticides

Controlling Invasive Trees with Herbicides



Orchard Produces Loblolly Pine Seeds

Claridge Nursery Grows Tree Seedlings for North Carolina

Undercutting and Grafting at Claridge Nursery

White Oak Acorn Harvest

Tree Planting Tutorial

Winter is Tree Planting Time in North Carolina


Forest Products

From Logs to Lumber

Tracking Logs from the Woods to the Mill



Hard and Soft Mast for Wildlife