Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)

Birds of North Carolina: their Distribution and Abundance – Wood Thrush (Carolina Bird Club)
The Wood Thrush has been on a moderate decline across its range in the past one or two decades. Formerly considered “common” across North Carolina, and one of the several most numerous breeders in hardwood forests, including wooded residential areas, it is now best called only “fairly common”.

All About Birds – Wood Thrush (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
Wood Thrushes are forest-interior birds and are unlikely to come to feeders. To see Wood Thrushes, look for them foraging quietly on the forest floor and digging through leaf litter but you’ll likely hear the Wood Thrush before you see it. The male sings his haunting, flute-like ee-oh-lay song from the lower canopy or midstory of deciduous or mixed eastern forests.

Audubon Guide to North American Birds – Wood Thrush
Audubon has identified the Wood Thrush as 1 of 32 priority-bird species within the Atlantic Flyway.  A priority species is one that is particularly threatened in terms of the species’ long-term survival.

birdsounds.net – Wood Thrush
Hear the Wood Thrush song and call.