
General Information

Creating Young Forests to Benefit Wildlife (USDA Southern Research Station)
Forests are constantly changing, which is a good thing for disturbance-dependent species that require open structural conditions created immediately after forest disturbances or at some point early in the process of recovery.

Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine Plantations (N.C. State University Cooperative Extension)
Without proper management, most plantations lose much of their plant and animal diversity as they age and the tree crowns shade understory vegetation.

Pine Forestland Habitat Management for Wildlife  (Natural Resources Conservation Service, and others)
With forethought and planning, forest landowners can increase wildlife populations in their forests. But creation and maintenance of high quality habitat requires active management

Herbaceous Plants for Wildlife (N.C. State University Cooperative Extension)
Herbaceous plants, especially grasses and forbs, are valuable sources of food and cover for many wildlife species.

Dead Wood for Wildlife (Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences)
Dead parts of live trees and dead trees, whether standing (snags) or fallen (logs), are particularly important resources for wildlife.

Farming for Wildlife (N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission)
Native warm-season grasses, such as switchgrass, big bluestem and Indian grass provide nesting and brood cover, as well as winter cover, for small game.

Grassland Bird Response to Agricultural Field Borders (Forest and Wildlife Research Center)
Enhancement of farmlands for grassland birds can be accomplished by incorporating conservation buffers as part of a comprehensive resource management system.

Conservation Buffers: Wildlife Benefits in Southeastern Agricultural Systems  (Forest and Wildlife Research Center) The health of wildlife populations in the Southeastern United States is largely determined by the land management decisions of private landowners.

Beauty of an Ugly Field (National Wild Turkey Federation)
Very few creatures can live in a mowed fescue field, where the fences have had all the vegetation cut from around them, and the thick sod allows little ground movement for smaller, less mobile species.

ForestHer NC: Managing Wood and Fields for Wildlife (webinar)
This webinar consists of two presentations discussing ways landowners can manage fields and forests to benefit a variety of wildlife species. Presentation 1: Managing Your Woods for Wildlife with Deanna Noble of NC Wildlife Resources Commission. Learn how to apply different forest management techniques to enhance habitat for wildlife. Presentation 2: Managing Your Fields for Wildlife with Gabriela Garrison of NC Wildlife Resources Commission. Learn how to manage your fields to attract and support different species of wildlife.


Native Plants

Landscaping for Wildlife With Native Plants (N.C. State University Cooperative Extension)
North Carolina’s native plants provide well-adapted food and cover for North Carolina’s native animals, and a well-planned landscape of native plants can help you attract a diversity of wildlife to your property

Good Grass, Bad Grass (National Wild Turkey Federation)
Grassy fields, tucked-away meadows, waterway buffer strips and other open areas serve as important components of wildlife habitat.

Native Vegetation Management for Wildlife (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Managing native vegetation is a beneficial method of improving wildlife habitat and food sources. Plants are used by wildlife throughout the year.

Native Alternatives for Food Plots in the Longleaf Ecosystem (webinar) (Southern Region Extension Forestry) This webinar identifies native plants that are commercially available and preferred by game species.

ForestHER NC: Invasive Plants & Their Impact on Wildlife and Landscaping for Wildlife with Native Plants (webinar)
This discusses common invasive plants of North Carolina, how they adversely impact wildlife, and some of the challenges with invasive plant control. We will also introduce you to landscaping with native plants and highlight some favorite trees, shrubs, perennials, vines and grasses that benefit pollinators, birds, mammals, and other wildlife.


Food Plots

Supplemental Wildlife Food Planting Manual for the Southeast (Mississippi State University Extension)
This publication provides information about wildlife habitat management techniques and food plantings that will increase natural food production and supplement the diets of game species.

Fertilizing Wildlife Food Pots (N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services)
The Agronomic Division has soil test crop codes especially for wildlife food plots. You can improve the quality of food plots by submitting soil samples and specifying these crop codes.

Food Plots for Deer and Turkey (National Wild Turkey Federation)
It’s never too late for some last minute food plot action. Make the most of your time by planting a crop to satisfy both deer and turkeys.

Choose the Right Site for Your Food Plot (National Wild Turkey Federation)
Where you plant a plot can mean the difference between success and failure. That’s why it’s critical to choose the right location for your food plots and match the seed to the soil and the growing conditions

Drought-Friendly Food Plots (National Wild Turkey Federation)
Planting a food plot in a changing climate can be a challenge, especially if you don’t adapt. The good news is that there are options, including seed choices that can withstand drier soils and planting considerations that can compensate for a shortage of rain.