Indiana Bat

Indiana Bat (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
The Indiana bat was listed as endangered in 1967 due to episodes of people disturbing hibernating bats in caves during winter, resulting in the death of large numbers of bats.

Indiana Bat (Animal Diversity Web)
Indiana bats hibernate predominantly in limestone caves, though some hibernate under the bark of dead trees.

Indiana Bat (National Wildlife Federation)
Indiana bats migrate north in the spring and roost in tree cavities or under loose bark in trees such as shagbark hickory, elm, beech, birch, oak, maple, ash, sassafras, sycamore, pine, aspen, cottonwood, locust, and hemlock.

Indiana Bat (Batworlds)
The Indiana Bat feeds on various insects and bugs that are out at night. They consume large numbers of them. Such efforts prevent the number of insects and bugs from getting out of control.

Indiana Bat (Center for Biological Diversity)
Every fall, Indiana bats gather in swarms at chosen hibernating spots to mate, swooping in and out of caves from dusk till dawn. Some humans might find this a frightening sight, but in fact bats are shy, sensitive and vulnerable animals — and the Indiana bat is one of the rarest and most sensitive of its kind.