The Big Sit

The Big Sit is a fun way to count and identify as many birds as possible from a designated area for an extended period of time.

Fly Tying for the Beginner

Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education

Learn the basics of fly tying during this introductory level class. Work at your own pace to tie a basic pattern. Equipment and materials provided. Ages 12 and up.

Carnivorous Plant Hike

Carolina Beach State Park 1010 State Park Road, Carolina Beach

Take a hike with a park ranger and learn about the fascinating world of carnivorous plants that grow at Carolina Beach State Park. See plants that “bite back” such as...

Streamside Hike

South Mountains State Park 3001 South Mountain Park Avenue, Connelly Springs

Join a Park Ranger for an easy walk to learn more about the Jacob Fork River. Discussion will include watersheds, common plants and animals, and water quality. Meet at the...