
Cogongrass Biology and Mangement in the Southeastern United States (Southern Regional Extension Forestry Forest Health) Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of southeastern Asia, this invasive grass is an aggressive pest in more than 73 countries. Cogongrass is present on every continent except Antarctica and is problematic in a wide range of managed forests, cropland, rangeland and natural ecosystems.

Field Guide to the Identification of Cogongrass (Alabama Forestry Commission)
This field guide describes and illustrates characteristics of cogongrass and compares them to other grass species commonly found in similar habitats.

Weed Alert: Cogongrass (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission)
Cogongrass forms dense stands resulting in the almost total displacement of native plants that are important to wildlife. Cogongrass stands also represent a significant fire hazard on public conservation lands and agricultural forests.

Key ID Features of Cogongrass (

Why Should I Care About Cogongrass? (
Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), an invasive grass from Asia, is considered “the seventh worst weed in the world”. It was introduced, accidently, into Alabama in 1911 as seed in packing materials from Japan. This species is wide-spread in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi and is starting to spread in Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee.