Guidance for Standard 4

ATFS Standard 4: Air, Water and Soil Protection
Forest management practices maintain or enhance the ecosystems and ecosystem services provided by the forest, including air, water, soil and site quality.

Performance Measure 4.1 Best Management Practices

Landowner shall meet or exceed practices prescribed by state forestry best management practices (BMPs) that are applicable to the property.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms

Performance Measure 4.2 Pesticides

Landowner shall consider a range of forest management activities to control pests, pathogens and unwanted vegetation.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms

Performance Measure 4.3 Prescribed Fire

When used, prescribed burns shall conform with landowner’s objectives and all applicable rules, laws and regulations.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms