Guidance for Standard 5

ATFS Standard 5: Fish, Wildlife, Biodiversity and Forest Health
Forest management activities contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Performance Measure 5.1
Threatened and Endangered Species

Forest management activities shall protect habitats and communities occupied by threatened or endangered species as required by law.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms

Performance Measure 5.2
Desired Species

Landowner should address the desired species and/or desired forest communities when conducting forest management activities, if consistent with landowner’s objectives.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms

Performance Measure 5.3
Forest Health

Landowner should make practical efforts to promote forest health.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Guidance for Inspection Forms

Performance Measure 5.4
Forests of Recognized Importance

Where present, forest management activities should maintain or enhance forests of recognized importance.

Guidance for Forest Management Plans and Inspection Forms