Performance Measure 4.1 Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Performance Measure 4.1 relates to implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and the importance of BMPs to the maintenance or enhancement of the property’s ecosystems and ecosystem services. The landowner’s forest management practices must meet or exceed all relevant BMPs.

The forest management plan must include a description and location of all water resources found on the property and include a statement that the landowner will employ BMPs during any management activities that will or may cause soil disturbances or require chemical applications. If there is evidence of water quality or soil impairment, the management plan must describe remediation efforts that the landowner will implement to correct the issue.

Include in the management plan a statement that the landowner will employ experienced and qualified contractors for activities in riparian zones and wetlands that could potentially impact water quality and that contractors will adhere to state, federal and local laws and regulations.