Performance Measure 4.2 Guidance for Forest Management Plans

The Standards of Sustainability require landowners to consider a range of forest management activities to control pest, pathogens and unwanted vegetation. Include the following information in forest management plans to address this requirement:

  • A description of the pests, pathogens and/or unwanted vegetation found on the property.
  • A prescription for monitoring, controlling or eradicating the pests, pathogens and/or unwanted vegetation. The prescription may include pesticide use but should also consider alternatives to pesticides.
  • If pesticides are used or recommended, include a statement in the management plan that the landowner will maintain records of pesticide use, which will be in compliance with EPA label requirements. The Standards do not specify what pesticide use information must be kept, but the N.C. Tree Farm Program recommends recording:
    • The date and time of application.
    • The tract or stand treated.
    • The acreage of the treated area.
    • The EPA registration number for the pesticide used.
    • The application rate.
    • The active ingredients.
    • The brand name and product used.