Performance Measure 5.3 Guidance for Completing Inspection Form


Above is the section on the inspection form that addresses Performance Measure 5.3.
Below is guidance on how to answer each of the questions.

PM 5.3 Landowner should make practical efforts to promote forest health.


5.3.1 Landowner should make practical efforts to promote forest health, including prevention, control or response to disturbances such as wildland fire, other pests, pathogens or unwanted vegetation, to achieve specific management objectives.


Which forest health issues are relevant to the property?

(Check any that are relevant to the property. If there are no health issues, skip this question.)

If yes to wildfire, what mitigation is being done?

(If wildfire is relevant to the property, check any mitigation efforts that are being done and provide the acreage impacted by these mitigation efforts. If wildfire is not relevant to the property, skip this question.)

In what ways is the landowner seeking to prevent, control or respond to forest health concerns?

(If there are forest health concerns on the property, describe the management activities implemented to address those concerns. If there are no current forest health concerns, describe the management activities implemented to promote forest health, for example, thinning, prescribed fire, monitoring.)


Here are examples of comments that might be included in the Notes/Observations section:

    • The plan was specifically developed to improve forest health and control non-native invasive species.
    • The landowner considers a variety of pest management options (mechanical devices, physical devices and genetic, biological or chemical management techniques) when dealing with pest problems on the property.
    • The landowner has identified a small area of invasive kudzu where the landowner will work to eradicate in the next three years. Landowner will utilize a qualified pesticide applicator for herbicide recommendations and application.
    • The landowner will make annual inspections of Tree Farm to identify any forest health issues and contact consulting forester when forest health issues are identified.
    • The landowner is working with and training the hunt club to assist with recognizing  forest health issues. Any unusual tree mortality on the farm will trigger a phone call to the landowner.
    • The landowner maintains firebreaks throughout the property to help mitigate and reduce the threat of damaging wildfires on or near the property.
    • Planned periodic prescribed burning will reduce the threat of wildfire impacting forest health.