Performance Measure 6.1 Guidance for Completing an Inspection Form

Above is the section on the inspection form that addresses Performance Measure 6.1.
Below is guidance on how to answer each of the questions.

PM 6.1 Landowner should manage the visual impacts of forest management activities consistent with landowner objectives, the size of the forest, the scale and intensity of forest management activities and the location of the property.


6.1.1 Forest management activities should apply visual quality measures compatible with appropriate silvicultural practices.



Here are examples of comments you might include in the Notes/Observations section:

    • The management plan addresses aesthetic quality protections including maintaining riparian forest buffers and logging/harvesting practices that improve or maintain aesthetics.
    • Logging decks have been placed in zones outside of public view.
    • Logging decks have been revegetated with wildflowers.
    • A large tire dump was cleaned up in 2018.
    • Added a bend to entrance road to block view of tract interior.
    • Closed and revegetated idle roads with wildlife-friendly plants.