Performance Measure 6.1 Guidance for Forest Management Plans

The Standards of Sustainability do not require that aesthetics be addressed in the forest management plan. However, the landowner and plan writer should take into consideration the visual impact of forest management activities during planning. The landowner’s objectives, the size of the forest, the scale and intensity of the forest management activities and the location of the property all influence the measures that might be incorporated into planning. Examples of practices that promote forest aesthetics include:

  • Placing logging decks out of public view.
  • Bending or turning entrance roads to block the view of the tract interior.
  • Planting unused roads with wildlife-friendly plants.
  • Leaving a buffer along roadways during timber harvests.
  • Managing for an open forest understory that is pleasing to walk through.

Consideration of forest aesthetics in the management plan can result in a more visually appealing experience on the property for the owners, their guests and travelers on nearby roadways.