Performance Measure 8.1 Guidance for Completing an Inspection Form

Above is the section on the inspection form that addresses Performance Measure 8.1.
Below is guidance on how to respond to each of the statements.

PM 8.1 Landowner should use qualified natural resource professionals and qualified contractors when contracting for services.

(This statement describes the recommended practice of working with qualified professionals during management activities. Answer Yes even if the landowner has not previously prioritized this recommendation.)


8.1.1 Landowner should seek qualified natural resource professionals and qualified contractors.

(This statement describes the recommended practice of working with qualified professionals during management activities. Answer Yes even if the landowner has not previously prioritized this recommendation.)


8.1.2 Landowner should engage qualified contractors who carry appropriate insurance and comply with appropriate federal, state and local safety and fair labor rules, regulations and standard practices.

(This statement describes the recommended practice of requiring insurance and evidence of compliance with relevant rules and regulations regarding safety and fair labor. Answer Yes even if the landowner has not previously followed this guidance.)


8.1.3. Landowner should retain appropriate contracts or records for forest product harvests and other management activities to demonstrate conformance to the Standards.

(This statement describes the recommended practice of having contracts for management activities and keeping copies of those contracts. Answer Yes even if the landowner has not previously required contracts for management services.)



Here are examples of comments that might be included in the Notes/Observations section:

    • The landowner will hire qualified contractors for logging, spraying, burning, fire line construction and road construction. Each will be required to hold adequate liability insurance and to comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations. 
    • Accurate records of harvest removals are maintained for each timber operation. Appropriate contracts for each activity are maintained by the forestry consultant.
    • Logging contractors will be required to provide proof of liability insurance and will add property owner and forestry consultant as “also insured” during the terms of the logging operations.
    • A logging contract will be developed for each timber harvest. Contracts will outline specific requirements and provisions to adhere to, specifically with regard to state forestry BMPs and forest practice guidelines.
    • The landowner and forestry consultant have copies of timber contracts.
    • Landowner will maintain contracts and records for management activities for three years.