Performance Measure 8.1 Guidance for Forest Management Plans

Performance Measure 8.1 states that landowners should use qualified natural resource professionals and qualified contractors when contracting for services. The contractors should have appropriate insurance and comply with federal, state and local safety and fair labor rules, regulations and standard practices.

While the Standards of Sustainability don’t require contracts for management activities, the N.C. Tree Farm Program strongly encourages landowners to have written contracts for management activities to reduce misunderstandings, avoid disagreements and protect woodlands from damaging forest practices. Contracts may require an investment of time and money up front, but they often save time, money and heartache in the long run.

Plan writers should include, but are not required to include, a statement similar to the following in forest management plans:

All management activities will be conducted by qualified natural resource professionals and contractors who carry appropriate insurance and are knowledgeable about federal, state and local rules, regulations and standard practices regarding safety and labor. Written contracts are required for all management activities on the property, and the landowner will maintain copies of all contracts.